Posted on 20.05.14 By Charlie Pickering

You don’t have to be Kracie to work here…

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Do you lead a busy lifestyle? Are you always on the go? Would you love to have a full-size donut but simply don’t have the time? Do you instead have the time to painstakingly construct miniature donuts from water and a space-age powder? Then Kracie Popin Cookin Donut is for you!

Part origami, part model plane building, part scientific breakthrough, part optical illusion, this foodtivity (food activity) has something of a huge cult following around the world. Kracie kits make exact candy replicas of various foods and the net abounds with tutorial videos showing how it’s done.

While a candy donut is relatively believable, but as the foods get more adventurous, the dishes test the diner’s belief. Like grape candy Sushi

or a delicious Candy Burger Combo

The results are incredible. The replicas are edible. But the time invested, sadly, is non-refundable.

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